March is Social Work Month, so in case you're not sure what we do (no, we don't plan social activities, at least not all the time), here is my version of the ABCs of Social Work.
As Social Workers, we:
Advocate for marginalized people;
Bend over backwards to get the job done;
Create services where none existed before;
Deliver meals to people at home;
Educate others on social issues;
Field all kinds of unusual questions;
Grief counselors;
Hear every side of every story;
Insist on client confidentiality;
Jump to action;
Know how to network;
Love what we do;
Mend broken hearts;
Never say never;
Observe everything;
Play with kids;
Quick to add our voices to a cause;
Refer, refer, refer;
Solicit donations;
Teach parenting skills to teenage parents;
Unify neighborhoods;
Watch out for the disenfranchised;
Xerox queens and kings;
Yearn for a better world for all;
Zoom around hospital corridors.
This should be copied and posted wherever caregivers work. What a great list!